Classical Glass Corvette Club
The choices offered on this page are intended to address your every Corvette-related inquiry. "About Us" will give you facts regarding our organization and the many things we are involved in around the community, state and beyond. A brief description of Corvette-centered activities are included on this page. The club's meeting schedule and information on Membership eligibility are shown also. Classical Glass Corvette Club's main event is the annual "5-Star" Classic. This is a full weekend of 5 events and an award banquet all held at the Emerald Queen Casino in Tacoma, Washington. A full year of events are posted on the "Events" page. The current month's activities are features with a brief description and an invitation to join in the fun. Our members love to show their stuff. You can see some great examples on our Photos page. You can find interesting news items and excerpts from our current newsletter in our "News" page. We have found some interesting and informative subjects we have included on our "Links" page. We hope you have the time to explore many of these links and locate those answers your inquiring mind has been looking to find. Last but certainly not least! is "Feedback" where you can communicate with us. It is important to us to hear from you and know if we have been helpful to you., or if we need to give you more information. With these tools we are sure you can "work" out a great year of adventure! |
mail to [email protected] with questions or comments about this web site.