Contact Us

CGCC Officers  - 2016   


President -  Elvira Tucker [email protected]

Vice President- Bob Thomas [email protected]

Secretary- Cheri Austin  [email protected]

Treasurer - Conrad Neumann [email protected]  


Send Mail Correspondence to:
Classical Glass Corvette Club
PO Box 111208
Tacoma, WA 98411-1208


Thank you for visiting our website. Please contact us to request more information about our club events, meetings, sponsors or to provide feedback about our website.



CGCC Board Chairs - 2016 


National Corvette Museum Rep.

Len Tucker - [email protected]

Club Store Merchandise

Charlene Peterson / Christie Ervin

Community Service

Candice Bundy -  [email protected]


Dennis Beaulieu -  [email protected] 

Five Star Committee

Jack Curtis

Meeting Refreshments

Gala Events

Christmas Gala - Elvira Tucker


Rich and Carol Gonzales - [email protected]


Dennis Walch


Conrad Neumann - [email protected]

Public Relations


Stacey Curtis


Rick Landry - [email protected]

Sunshine Committee

Christine Majszak  - [email protected]

Under Glass

Alisa Dillon - [email protected]

Web Master

Chris Majszak [email protected]