Please contact our events chair, John Johnson, for any questions regarding these events. John can be reached via email at [email protected].


MAY 2003

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May 3rd Spring Cruise In hosted by the Surburban Auto Group. 36963 Highway 26, Sandy, OR INFO:
May 4th "Gas-Up Chili Feed, Waller's, Lakebay, WA, 1:00pm
May 6th CGCC Executive Board Meeting, 7:00 PM
May 10th CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM
May 10th Ride the Tide Classic Car Show hosted by the Gig Harbor High School. 10am to 4pm. $15 registration per vehicle. The location is in the parking lot of the GH High School. This is a open weekend for the CGCC and would be nice if we went over and supported them. All proceeds go to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research.
May 16th-18th Three Days in May,� or Cruz into Summer 2003, hosted by the OCC in Kelowna, BC. Friday Registration, Social, Safety Inspection. Sat, Concour/Show-n-shine, Ralleye, CCCC Awards Banquet. Sunday BFG Autocross/Slalom, BFG Weekend Awards Banquet. Ramada Inn. INFO: Jerry Reiber (250) 763-0184 [email protected]
May 17th Port Townsend Rhododendron Festival Parade
May 18th Ruby's Diner get together -  Poulsbo (Memorial Day Weekend)
May 17th-18th Anacortes Waterfront Festival. The 17th will have the All Corvette Car Show and on the 18th is the Open Class Car Show. Hosted by Majestic Glass Corvette Club. INFO: Dave at (360) 299-9303.
May 23rd-26th The 32nd Annual Big Sky State Corvette meeting in Billings,MT. HQ is the Holiday Inn and more info can be found at
May 24th Day trip to Centralia for shopping at the Outlet Mall, Antique stores in town and lunch at the McMenamin's Olympic Club Hotel.
May 24th CRISTA Ministries Corvette Show-N-Shine in Shoreline  INFO: Jim Gwinn at (425) 742-2701 or [email protected].