Please contact our events chair, John Johnson, for any questions regarding these events. John can be reached via email at [email protected].


JULY 2003

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July 4th �Cruise-in On the Waterfront� Ruston Way, Tacoma. Move in  7 to 11am. Awards at 7pm. Judging will take place throughout the day. Register early since its limited to the first 120 cars. $20 fee.
July 4th-6th 4th PNW Historics Vintage Auto Races, Pacific Raceways, Kent
Dick Gulstrand, noted �Vette racer & tuner scheduled to appear
July 5th Seafair Pirates' Invasion, Alki Point, Seattle
July 8th Executive Board Meeting, 7:00 PM
July 9th July �School Daze Ground School� required for all beginners and recommended for all others. A tech inspection will be available. Location is the Shoreline Community College Professional Automotive Training Center @ 6:30pm.
July 12th CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM
July 11th-13th July �Shadow of the Mountain� with the Tacoma Corvette Club in Leavenworth, WA. HQ is the Enzian Inn 800-223-8511. Info Dan Turnia 253 939 3796.TBD    Vashon Island Strawberry Festival Car Parade, Vashon
July 11th-13th July  SOCA Corvette Weekend in Medford OR. Jet boat excursions, Poker Run, raffles. $95, with the boat trip or $50 with out. Info Ron Cherry at 541 779 5651. HQ is the Red Lion 1 800 773 5466.
July 13th �Strawberry Festival Parade� Vashon Island
July 16th-19th  "25th Black Hills Corvette Classic", Spearfish, SD
July 16th CMCS �School Daze 2002� driving school, Pacific Raceways, Kent, WA  For info call Rick Milsow at [email protected]
TBD �Corvettes on the High Desert,� High Desert CC, Bend, OR
TBD Goodguy�s 15th PNW Nationals, Fair Grounds, Puyallup
July 19th West Seattle Hi-Yu Parade, West Seattle
TBD Shipwreck Days Car Show, MGCC, Anacortes, WA
July 24th-28th �Vette Fest 2003� in Boise ID. Hosted by the Valley Corvettes. For more info to to and click on events. A registration form in downloadable from the site.
July 25th-27th July Pacific Coast Corvette Club Jubilee 2003 in North Bend OR. Poker Run, Car Show, Car Cruise, sock hop, trophies, raffles and more. HQ is the Ramada Inn 541 756 3191. Info: Darrell King 541 888 3863, John Smith 541 267 5291
July 25th-28th

"Rose City Classic" in Portland OR hosted by RCC. [NWACC #2],  www.rosecitycorvettes.or. Social Event and Pre-Registration at Suburban Chevrolet in Nancy Or Friday Evening. Show-N-Shine, Concurs, and Banquet on Saturday. Autocross on Sunday. Non-NWACC sanctioned track Day on Monday July 27th. Contact Alan or Ann Cohen at 503-465-2233.


July 26th Spokane Corvette Clubs - Glass on Grass Show. Registration 10:00-11:30; Show begins 12:00 ends 4:00pm. Event to be held at Spokanes Riverfront Park.