For any questions regarding these events. Please contact our events co-chairs,  Don Mulligan (253) 639-0781 [email protected] or Gary Pautz (253) 952-2114 [email protected]


Calendar for February 2006

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
      1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28        
Phases of the moon:  5:1Q  12:Full  21:3Q  27:New
Holidays and observances: 14: Valentine's Day, 20: Washington's Birthday


February 9th CGCC Board Meeting - Meadow Park Golf Course Club House WA 7:00pm
February 9th-12th Corvette Show at the Kitsap Mall
February 11th CGCC General Membership Meeting - Lakewood Elks 7:00pm
February 11th - 12th Corvette & High Performance Swap Meet - Puyallup Fairgrounds
February 16th CGCC Book Club @ Tacoma Mall Boarder Book Store - 7:00pm
February 24th CGCC Jacket Night - 2nd Annual CGCC Reunion -  River Valley Grange 6:00pm - 11:00pm Potluck and BYOB. $5.00 per person cover charge - This will help pay for the Grange Hall, Lasagna Feed & Other Goodies.
February 25th Tacoma Corvette Club Open House at Corvettes of Auburn 2:00pm -6:00pm