Please contact our events chair, John Johnson, for any questions regarding these events. John can be reached via email at [email protected].


APRIL 2003

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April 4th-6th  39th Annual Portland Swap Meet Expo Center Portland, OR      
April 8th CGCC Executive Board Meeting, 7:00pm
April 11th-13th Woodburn OR Tulip Festival & 2nd Annual Car Show  on the 12th, sponsored by the WVCA
April 12th CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM
April 12th 70th Daffodil Festival & Parade, 10am starting time Tacoma, Puyallup &   Sumner, and Orting. Additional info can be found at
April 19th Skagit Valley Tulip Festival Tour, including tour of the  PACCAR test       facility and the farmers market.  Mt. Vernon, WA
April 26-May 11th (12th Annual) Route 66 Fun Run, Seligman-Topock, AZ
April 27th April is the All City Rally XXIII held by Corvettes de Olympia. The rally is called a �Gimmick Rally�. Your given a set of rules and instructions to follow and is not based on time and speed. This is strictly fun and SAFETY FIRST. Registration is $15.00. Assembly point is 704 Lilly Road. South on I-5 to Martin Way exit and then west to Lilly Rd. Turn right and proceed to 704. First car out at 9am with 5 min intervals. You have to follow the instructions and that will take you to the final spot�for awards and whatever else that is planned.