Classical Glass Corvette Club -

                Member Biographies

This form is completely voluntary!! The information may be used in biographies printed in the Under Glass Newsletter.

Please provide the following contact information:

Resides At
Home Phone
Where do you work

Please tell us about your family:

What are your hobbies?

Please tell us about your Corvette(s):

What would you like C.G.C.C to know about you?

How long about you been a club member?


Thanks for taking the time to fill out this form. The information collected will be put on a secure area of the club website. Kathy Fechter will be receiving these forms to add to the club Biographies. If you can please send Kathy a photo of yourself to be added to the Club Directory Kathy is putting together. You can bring your photo to the club meetings, or email them to Kathy at: [email protected]

You can also send us a photo of you with your Corvette and it will be added to the Member Rides section of the club website. Email them to the webmaster David Bailey  -  [email protected] All photos should be in .jpeg format. You can also bring in a photo to a regular club meeting and give them to David Bailey and he will scan them into the site. All photos will be returned.


Revised: May 4th 2002