Classical Glass Corvette ClubMembership Information |
Classical Glass
meets the second Saturday of every month excluding December. Meetings
begin at 7:00PM at the Lakewood Elks
located at 6313 75th St W LAKEWOOD, WA 98499-8369
Tacoma, WA. Officers are installed at our annual awards banquet in
December. All Visitors are Welcome!
The rules to join our club are simple: 1) You or your spouse must own a Corvette, must possess a valid Drivers license, and liability coverage for that vehicle. 2) You need to attend at least 2 regularly scheduled meetings of the club. 3) You need to attend at least 2 club events. 4) After satisfying these requirements, you are accepted as a member of CGCC you will be required to pay yearly dues of $60.00 per family.
For more membership information please contact: Click Here for Additional membership info Click here to download Membership application
George Longhurst 253-841-4255 Email: [email protected] |